Saskatoon city council approves 3.7% property tax increase for 2020
Councillors spent three days trying to whittle down the increase

Saskatoon city councillors have approved a 3.7 per cent property tax increase for 2020.
That's above the initially projected increase of 3.23 per cent.
Last year, city council approved a property tax hike of 4.4 per cent for 2019.
Funding for downtown arena study approved
Councillors began Wednesday's session by either approving or downsizing proposed budgets for several capital projects for 2020 and 2021.
Among the items approved was $100,000 to develop a business case for a new downtown arena and convention centre. TCU Place and SaskTel Centre will each pitch in an additional $100,000.
The city is currently looking a candidate sites for the facility. Coun. Cynthia Block asked for an update on that search.
In May, the city reported that "work is underway with the goal of making a site selection for these facilities in 2019."
But city officials said Wednesday that they don't expect to report back on candidate sites until January or February 2020.
By far the biggest item approved was $10 million for the purchase of bins meant for the eventual city-wide organics pickup program. That program is set to launch in 2023.
The city's current green cart program, which is optional, has about 10,000 subscribers.