Congratulations to the winners of the 5th Tusaavik Language Contest
We had several entries this year showcasing a variety of speaking and singing skills in Inuvialuktun.
We had several entries this year showcasing a variety of speaking and singing skills in Inuvialuktun

We want to thank everyone who participated in the 5th Annual Tusaavik Language Contest. We had more submissions this year than any previous year with a variety of speakers with varying skill levels from Inuvik, Tuktoyaktuk, and Paulatuk.
We had several amazing submissions from the East Three Elementary School in Inuvik, N.W.T. From grades 2 to 6 they sent us some amazing spoken Inuvialuktun. A special thanks to their teacher, Marlo Kiasuk, for their submissions.
Without further ado the winners of the 5th Annual Tusaavik Language Contest are as follows.
- Mimasoko Ajkpo (Grade 2/3) - Inuvik
- David Marshall (Grade 6) - Inuvik
- Letty Kiasuk (Grade 3) - Inuvik
- Kinsley Heavener (Grade 3) - Inuvik
- Elina Stefure - Inuvik
- Chantal Gruben - Tuktoyaktuk
- Millie Thrasher - Paulatuk
Here are some of the submissions from this year's contest!