North Community

Congratulations to the winners of the 5th Tusaavik Language Contest

We had several entries this year showcasing a variety of speaking and singing skills in Inuvialuktun.

We had several entries this year showcasing a variety of speaking and singing skills in Inuvialuktun

A pale green background with an image of a broadcasting tower. The words Tusaavik Radio, 5th Annual Inuvialuktun Language Contest are on the image.
The 5th annual Tusaavik Language Contest was a smashing success. (CBC)

We want to thank everyone who participated in the 5th Annual Tusaavik Language Contest. We had more submissions this year than any previous year with a variety of speakers with varying skill levels from Inuvik, Tuktoyaktuk, and Paulatuk.

We had several amazing submissions from the East Three Elementary School in Inuvik, N.W.T. From grades 2 to 6 they sent us some amazing spoken Inuvialuktun. A special thanks to their teacher, Marlo Kiasuk, for their submissions.

Without further ado the winners of the 5th Annual Tusaavik Language Contest are as follows.

  • Mimasoko Ajkpo (Grade 2/3) - Inuvik
  • David Marshall (Grade 6) - Inuvik
  • Letty Kiasuk (Grade 3) - Inuvik
  • Kinsley Heavener (Grade 3) - Inuvik
  • Elina Stefure - Inuvik
  • Chantal Gruben - Tuktoyaktuk
  • Millie Thrasher - Paulatuk

Here are some of the submissions from this year's contest!