Kitchener helps candidates navigate rules for October local election
Interested candidates can file a nomination starting Monday

Starting this Monday, people interested in running for Kitchener mayor, council or regional school board trustee are one step closer to that goal.
It's the first day to file a nomination as a candidates or a notice of registration as a third-party advertiser for the 2022 election.
The City of Kitchener is providing candidates one-on-one appointments with staff to review nomination paperwork and share details about the election process.
"Filing a nomination can be a complicated process and there are many pieces to the puzzle. So appointments give candidates and third party advertisers an opportunity to review their paperwork one on one with an election official," Kitchener city clerk Amanda Fusco.
Interested candidates can book appointments online here starting Monday. The appointments are available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Dates to remember:
May 2: This is the first day to file a nomination for mayor, councillor or school board trustee, as well a notice of registration as a third-party advertiser.
August 19: This is the last day to file or withdraw a nomination.
August 22: This is the last day for the city clerk to review and certify candidate nomination papers.
September 23: Final spending limits provided to all candidates and final self-contribution limits provided to people running for mayor and councillor.
October 12 to 15: Advanced voting.
October 21: Last day to register as a third-party advertiser
October 24: Election day.