Several break-ins at student housing focus of police investigation
Police urge students to keep residences locked and be vigilant of surroundings

Waterloo Regional Police are investigating a number of break and enters at student housing buildings over the weekend in Waterloo.
Police say at least six rooms in buildings on King Street North and Spruce Street were broken into between Saturday Aug. 19 and Sunday Aug. 20
"We believe someone did get in, and carried on throughout the building trying different doors to see which ones were open," Cherri Greeno, Media Relations Coordinator with the Waterloo Police told CBC K-W.
According to police, all of the rooms had been unlocked when the unknown suspect stole several electronic devices such as laptops, phones and video game stations.
"We are stressing and urging students to lock their doors when they're not there," Greeno added.
Police also suggest a number of precautionary measures students can take, such as using a lighting timer to make the residence look occupied when they aren't there, and keeping a record of the make, model and serial numbers of valuables and electronics to help police track them if stolen.