Guelph police warn residents to lock bikes, even at home, after recent thefts
3 arrested in connection to bicycle thefts from Guelph garage

Recent bicycle thefts in Guelph have police reminding residents how they can prevent their bikes from being stolen, even from their own garages.
Guelph police arrested three people this week in connection to the theft of three high-end bicycles from a garage in a home near Norfolk Street and Liverpool Street.
Guelph Police Service Spokesperson Scott Tracey recommends people secure their bikes, even if they think they're safe.
"People don't think they need to lock things up in their own home, but any precaution you can take certainly is a good idea," he said.
If you have to lock your bike in public, Tracey recommends choosing a busy location.
"It makes it harder for thieves to cut the lock off if there are people walking by that are paying attention to what's going on," he said.
Tracey added that people should try to lock their bikes in areas with security cameras active.
"If the bike does get stolen, we will have footage of it and be able to identify the suspect," he said.
While many people lock their bikes to a signpost, Tracey advises against it.
"If you're able to lift the bike high enough, you can sort of slide it over the top and be off with it," he said.
If your bike has a quick-release system that allow the seat and wheels to be removed, Tracey recommends you do that, too.
"Sometimes we see expensive bikes still locked where the person left it, but the wheels are missing," he said.
Tracy said it's a good idea to have photos of your bike on hand if it is stolen.
"In the unfortunate circumstance that it does get stolen, we are aware of what it looks like, and we can send that out to our officers," he said.
Tracey suggests residents register their bikes with 529 Garage. The program captures essential information about a bike, including its serial number, photos and owner information. Police say it has helped recover thousands of stolen bicycles.
"If it does get stolen and we're able to recover it, we can do a quick search and get it back to you," he said.