City of Kitchener reveals proposed design for Carl Zehr Square
The City of Kitchener has revealed its proposed design for Carl Zehr Square. The design, available on their website, was based on community input. They have been working on the redesign project since May of 2015.
The City of Kitchener has been working on the redesign project for Carl Zehr Square since May 2015
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Community input has been transformed into real plans as the City of Kitchener shared the proposed designs for Carl Zehr Square.
The city has been working on the redesign project since May of 2015, saying that the infrastructure of the space is coming to the end of its life cycle.
"We recognized this as an opportunity to look at how we are using the square and the other spaces, to see if there was an opportunity to look broader than just replacing what exists," said Lynda Stewart, interim manager of facilities management and head of the redesign project.
The Morning Edition - K-W5:21The City of Kitchener reveals proposed design for Carl Zehr Square
The City of Kitchener has been working on a redesign project for Carl Zehr Square since May of last year as a result of the infrastructure coming to the end of it's life cycle.
The city uploaded the proposed design on their website, basing their plans off of what the community asked for in the space.