Police investigating Hamilton's 21st shooting incident so far this year
Business owners are asked to check their security cameras for suspicious activity

Police are investigating after reports a vehicle was shot up early Sunday morning.
No one was injured, but it marks the 21st shooting-related incident in Hamilton so far this year, according to investigators.
Officers were called to the corner of Main Street West and Margaret around 3:30 a.m. Sunday after reports of gunfire, say police.
They spoke with a man who said he had picked up three people near the corner of Main and Paradise Road South.
The witness told police he believed his patrons were involved in some kind of incident before he arrived that may have led to the shooting.
He told police two men approached his vehicle, spoke with one of the people inside then walked away.
"A short time later he heard the sounds of gunfire and immediately drove off to contact police," according to a media release that said the people in the car "hastily vacated the vehicle."
The man's car was damaged in the incident and has been seized by police who are investigating.
They're also asking business owners to check their security cameras for suspicious activity.
Anyone with information about the shooting is asked to contact police or Crime Stoppers.