'Gentle giant' St. Bernard brothers find 'perfect fit' home in Alberta
Calgary home was chosen among hundreds of applications to adopt the giant dogs

A trio of giant Alberta St. Bernard brothers who captured the hearts of dog lovers around the world have found a new home in Alberta.
The three canine giants, Goliath, Gunther and Gasket, are the perfect fit for their new adoptive family, the Edmonton Humane Society said in a news release on Thursday.
The dogs have left the shelter behind and are settling in at their new (spacious) home in Calgary.
"We are beyond excited to be giving these three dogs their forever home," said a statement from the family, who told the shelter they wish to remain anonymous while they adjust to their new oversized family members.
"When we found out that we were getting the opportunity to meet them, we cried tears of joy."
The adoption was made official Wednesday, a week after the animal shelter issued a plea for help to find the right home for the dogs.
The three littermates had bonded so tightly the society didn't think they should be separated.
The society received hundreds of applications to adopt the dogs, with people as far away as Australia asking to bring them home.
The shelter was forced to close applications after receiving more than 200 inquiries from all over the world on the first day.
The chosen family first saw the dogs' story on a local media outlet online and said they immediately knew they would be a perfect fit.
Gasket, Gunther and Goliath, along with the family's other dog, will have plenty of room to run and play on their one-acre fenced yard with the family's two children, the agency said.
The dogs, who collectively weigh over 350 pounds, had a big impact on the shelter.
"The response to the story of these gentle giants, from the thousands who helped share our call for help to those who offered their homes to these dogs, was truly astounding," said Jamey Blair, the shelter's manager of animal health and protection.
"At the end of the day we could only choose one family for them, but there are thousands of other homeless pets who are all as deserving of a forever home.
"We hope this story inspires people to adopt from their local shelters and rescues."