How groceries are making the season kinder
CBC’s local podcast This is Edmonton looks at how people are fighting food insecurity in their communities.
CBC’s local podcast looks at how people are fighting food insecurity in Edmonton
CBC Edmonton's Make the Season Kind campaign raises food and funding for food banks while sharing stories of kindness from the community. This year, our stories also focused on food insecurity. It's an issue being felt across the country and here at home.
Producer Tahirih Foroozan visited Grocery Run, a weekly food hamper program in Edmonton that provides culturally appropriate foods to newcomers in the city. She joins host Clare Bonnyman to talk about the people behind the program, and the difference this work makes.
This is Edmonton is posted online every Wednesday. Listen here or get in touch at [email protected]. This is the final episode of This is Edmonton for 2024. Subscribe to the show to receive more stories in January.