
Edmonton divided over fruitcake's place on the holiday dessert tray

Chock full of candy and fruit, often soaked in spirits, it's dense, sweet and surprisingly heavy for its size. A staple of the season, fruitcake may be the most downtrodden holiday dessert.

Delectable or disgusting? Edmonton AM listeners weigh in

Delicious is not a word many Edmontonians would associate with fruitcake.

Chock full of candy and fruit, often soaked in spirits, it's dense, sweet and surprisingly heavy for its size.

A staple of the season, fruitcake may be the most downtrodden holiday dessert.

Over the generations, it's earned a bad reputation.

Many find it strangely bitter, and its mysterious mix of ingredients means it can be stored in the back of a freezer for years, and survive unscathed.

But despite its bad rap, fruitcake appears to have a secured its place on the holiday menu for good. It's been around since the Middle Ages, and thousands of pounds of the stuff is sold every year.  

Is the holiday treat disgusting or delectable? Edmonton AM radio show host Mark Connolly has asked listeners to weigh in.

At first it appeared as if Edmontonians were unabashedly faithful to fruitcake.

But, not unlike a fruitcake that's sat out in the cold too long, approval ratings for the holiday treat started to crumble.

As the great fruitcake debate became more heated, Edmonton AM listeners came up with some creative ways to rid their homes of the much-hated dessert. 

It appears some of the little cakes will be doomed to fates outside the dining room this holiday season. 

Thanks to all the Edmonton AM listeners who weighed in on the debate.

Do you have strong feelings about fruitcake? Let us know in the comment section below.