No recount for closest ward race in Edmonton election
Jennifer Rice keeps seat with 33 votes over Rhiannon Hoyle in Ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi

The closest race for a seat at city council in Edmonton is over, with 33 votes between the top two candidates and no recount required, the city said Wednesday.
Jennifer Rice was declared the winner over Rhiannon Hoyle in Ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi Tuesday after all ballots were counted.
Rice finished with 32.26 per cent of the vote — 5,833 — over Hoyle with 32.18 per cent, or 5,800 votes.
Hoyle requested a recount but the city denied the request.
The returning officer, Aileen Giesbrecht, made the call.
"In accordance with the Local Authorities Election Act, officials determined the election results are correct based on our voting processes and therefore a recount will not be completed," the city said in its statement Wednesday.
Official election results will be posted by noon Friday.
Hoyle acknowledged the decision on social media Wednesday night and congratulated Rice on her win.
.<a href="">@EdmElections</a> has rejected our request for a recount in <a href="">#Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi</a>. Thank you to our incredible team for a well-run campaign. To all of you who reached out asking for the recount, we share your disappointment. Congratulations to Jennifer Rice <a href="">#yegcc</a> <br><br>Full Statement: <a href=""></a>
Rice, a former university professor and public servant, campaigned on improving city services like maintaining roads and sidewalks, getting value for tax dollars and encouraging economic development.
In total, 18,024 ballots were cast in the southwest ward. Six candidates were running.
Former 630 CHED and Global News city hall reporter Scott Johnston came in third with 2,110 votes or 11.71 per cent of the total.
The city said voter turnout in the election was 37.6 per cent, with 236,488 voters casting votes.