May the 4th be with you, just not all of you
Vancouverites weigh in on Star Wars Day

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, the pop culture juggernaut known as Star Wars was born, and for millions of devoted fans May the fourth has become a day to celebrate all things Jedi — but as it turns out — not everyone wants in on the party.
CBC asked Vancouverites for their thoughts on the Star Wars phenomenon, and some of the responses were, well, surprising.
"It's a nostalgia-filled moment for many post-boomer denizens like myself," said Connor Mack. "I realize it's near and dear to many people's hearts, but the acting is poor, only the first two are really that good."
'Couldn't care less'
"I couldn't care less to be honest, and I mean that respectfully. It has no interest for me," said a man interviewed in Yaletown who would only give his name as Ted.
"I prefer other space movies like Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel, stuff like that," said Cody Curley.
But even those that weren't fans or the Star Wars series did have a bit of an understanding of what The Force was.

"I have The Force. We all do," said Tozar Em. "I know for sure my wife has The Force over me," he said.
"It's an invisible energy that is available to everybody on the film, but you have to practice to be able to control it," said Nariman Mousavi.
So is the force used for good or for evil? "It's just like all the other forces in the world. Both," said Mousavi.
Not a fan of The Beatles too?
But isn't admitting you're not a fan of Star Wars along the same lines as saying your not a fan of The Beatles? An invisible social line never to be crossed?
Sama Ghnmin raised her hands to shield her eyes when she realized the gravity of what she had just revealed.
"I just never got around to watching it. Oh my God. I'm going to be shunned in Vancouver," she gasped.
CBC's entertainment reporter Eli Glasner says when it comes to Star Wars fandom or fan-don't, its different strokes for different folks.
"Sure there are awkward moments that fans like myself wince at, but my heart still soars every time the Falcon swoops in to save the day," he said.

Ben Calaf surprised a group of his friends with an unbeknownst love for Star Wars Friday afternoon.
The 10 men were sitting outside having lunch on the steps of Marinaside Crescent in Yaletown, and when they were asked who among them wasn't a Star Wars fan, every hand immediately pointed to Calaf.
When Calaf was asked if he cared at all about Star Wars Day, he laughed — and to the whoops of laughter and applause from his friends — he unzipped his hoodie and revealed a hidden Star Wars T-shirt.
"Maybe. Maybe a little bit," he admitted.