May the 3rd Be With You

No, that's not a misprint.
That's what we choose to say to you on this day, May 3rd. We want to wish you a happy Thursday in a way that cheekily suggests the Star Wars franchise of films.
After all, why shouldn't any day and every day be an appropriate time to celebrate Star Wars? We believe it is.
And if you think we're just publishing this today because Star Wars fever is in the air in advance of tomorrow's date and we're trying to get the jump on everybody else and steal their clicks, shame on you. Shame. On. You.
To put it as Yoda would: on you shame.
(Or something like that. It's not completely clear how he would rearrange the grammar of such a short sentence. This writer has only seen The Force Awakens and the prequels anyway.)
In all the hoopla going on tomorrow, though, we did surmise that we would risk getting a bit lost in the shuffle. So sure, this does seem to be a sensible move. A way to get some focus on our Star Wars good wishes and not get swamped in the deluge tomorrow.
We're just hoping to carve out our little niche here.
And yes, we also anticipate a number of people saying that it "doesn't make sense," and that there's "something called the force, which sounds like fourth, but nothing that sounds like what you've done here," and that it's "not at all clear what the 3rd part could be referring to."
Hmm. While we do anticipate it, we don't totally have an answer for it yet. We tried to come up with one, but we only had so much time. This article does need to run today. There has to be something that rhymes with third, though.
Are there birds in Star Wars? Those Borgs (sic) from the last one are birds, right? I saw them in the commercials, on the posters, everywhere (didn't see the movie yet). I mean if not, what are they? Okay, great then. This is a joke about the Borgs.
So May the 3rd (aka the birds aka the Borgs) be with you.
This has been a totally effective, fluid, and not at all awkward way to beat those Star Wars fans at their own game. Thank you, and "Make it so!"
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