'Wanted: Hunting Property': A father's online ad leads to an unexpected offer
Raymond Seguin has always loved hunting. Many of his favourite memories were made while bonding with his father in the wilderness — patiently waiting in complete silence for a fish to bite or a rabbit, deer, or moose to run by.
It's a hobby that he'd like to share with his 17-year-old son, Andrew, as well.
"He loves hunting, fishing, and camping. And I want him to continue doing that. With the technology these days, he's into these gaming things, and I'm not into it. But this is something we relate to. It just brings us closer together," said Seguin.
Andrew is on the cusp of adulthood, and Seguin urgently wants to build as many hunting memories with his son as possible. But he told Now or Never that it's very difficult to find areas to hunt because many of the good spots are occupied by long-time hunters.
So Seguin took a shot in the dark, and posted a Kijiji ad titled "Wanted: Hunting Property."

After waiting days for a response, he heard from a stranger who owned a hunting cabin.
A man named Clifford sent a message, saying that he appreciated Seguin's desire to pass along his love for hunting to his son. So he offered up his hunting cabin completely free of charge. The gesture took Seguin by complete surprise.
"At first I was like, this can't be happening. It's like winning the lottery! Someone was willing to help out, and say, 'Come on up. Don't worry about anything. I don't want your money, I just want you to have a good time.' And I don't even know the guy."
Seguin and his son will be visiting the cabin, a few hours north of Ottawa, this spring.