'I really regret not talking to you more': Meet a pair brought together by Craigslist Missed Connections

It was at a Jean-Michel Blais concert in Toronto last summer where Luc Rinaldi first spotted her, a woman with blonde hair standing in the front row. After the show, at the merchandise table, Luc struck up a conversation. They shared a laugh and went their separate ways.
When Luc got home, he couldn't get her out of his mind.
"This random person who I exchanged like three words with had somehow stuck in my head. I had this idea that maybe we'd be friends, maybe we could go on a date, maybe it'd be amazing if we just found each other."
With no way to reach out to her, Luc turned to the place that many hopeless romantics go, the Craigslist personal ads.
"I've always loved reading Craigslist Missed Connections, I thought: why not spend two minutes writing a short message? I told myself that, even if it was super weird, if I posted this thing on the internet and no one ever saw it, no loss. But, if I went ahead, and somehow this person found it, wouldn't that be cool?"
A week after the concert, Colleen Unrau was scrolling through the Jean-Michel Blais Facebook fan page when she came across a picture of a Craigslist post that read:

"I spent, literally, five minutes staring. I didn't know what to do or what to think," she said. After a few days of contemplation, Colleen responded.
Colleen and Luc began an email correspondence and, since neither of them lived in the same city, they made plans to meet up in Toronto at the next Jean-Michel Blais concert. Months pass, and two weeks before they meet, Colleen sends Luc an email. Colleen had met someone and started a relationship.
"I was disappointed but at the same time I understood," said Luc.
Luc and Colleen agreed to still meet up, as friends.
They enjoyed their time at the concert, and afterwards, managed to meet Jean-Michel Blais who was ecstatic to connect with the couple he had posted about on his Facebook page. For Luc, posting the missed connection was all worth it.
"I didn't end up finding what I was originally looking for, but in some way what we got was so much more unique."