Italy requests EU plan for new migrant wave from Libya
UN envoy to Libya and Italy's foreign minister met on Wednesday

Italy's government has written to the European Union asking it to prepare a plan of action to address the risk of a new wave of migrants escaping from the armed conflict in Libya.
Italy's Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero spoke on Wednesday at a joint news conference in Rome after meeting with the United Nations envoy to Libya, Ghassan Salame.
Moavero didn't provide additional details on Italy's request.
Italy's anti-immigration Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has ordered that migrant rescue boats cannot enter Italian ports.

Salame downplayed Italy's fears that a huge number of African refugees could leave Libya trying to reach Europe.
"We know that about 700,000 migrants are in our country now, but not even a minority of them wants to cross the Mediterranean," Salame told journalists.