Trump fooled into retweeting photo of socialist Labour Party leader
Initial Twitter post was by someone pretending Jeremy Corbyn was his father

Donald Trump approvingly retweeted a photo of a self-avowed socialist Saturday morning, although he probably didn't know who it was at the time.
The photo was of Jeremy Corbyn, the recently elected U.K. Labour Party leader. The initial poster on Twitter described Corbyn as his dad and said Trump made his dad consider "voting for the first time ever" — and in particular, voting for Trump.
"<a href="">@HamishP95</a>: <a href="">@realDonaldTrump</a> My Dad is thinking of voting for the first time ever for you. <a href=""></a>" Great.
Trump, a Republican nominee for U.S. President, retweeted the post with a comment of his own: "Great."
The post was made by @HamishP95, who immediately revelled in Trump's mistake on his own account.
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awaiting my 15 minutes of clickbait journalism fame
Corbyn was elected Labour Party leader in a landslide victory Saturday, and is a longtime socialist and anti-monarchist. Supporters even sang the socialist anthem, "The Red Flag," during his entry to the Labour Party's conference.
He's pledged to tax the rich, and has argued for nationalizing Britain's gas and electricity utilities, views that are diametrically opposed to those of the U.S. Republican Party.
So it gave the Internet quite a bit of glee to see Hamish trick Trump.
Donald Trump has RTd an endorsement for Jeremy Corbyn. What is happening. <a href=""></a>
If Jeremy Corbyn becomes PM and Donald Trump becomes president it will be similar to when Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader had a fight.
Donald Trump gets trolled out of his (low) wits by <a href="">@HamishP95</a>, doesn't know who Jeremy Corbyn. Oh the internet!! is <a href=""></a>
This is hardly the first time Trump has faced criticism because of his Twitter account. Back in July, Trump retweeted an endorsement containing the image of Jeffrey MacDonald, who in 1979 killed his two daughters and pregnant wife.
Mr. <a href="">@realdonaldTrump</a>, that is a photo of Jeffrey MacDonald, a convicted murderer. <a href=""></a>
Before that, Trump tweeted a campaign photo that included two Second World War re-enactors wearing a Nazi uniform, instead of American soldiers.