Florence Ashley
Florence Ashley is a transfeminine jurist and bioethicist. Originally from Quebec, they are currently pursuing a doctorate at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law and Joint Centre for Bioethics.
Latest from Florence Ashley

Point of View
Landmark ruling on Civil Code shows the resilience of Quebec's trans communities
This victory is not a sudden recognition of the rights of trans migrants, parents, minors and non-binary people. It is the culmination of years of advocacy and solidarity by Quebec trans communities.
Canada -Montreal |

Man who changed legal gender to get cheaper insurance exposes the unreliability of gender markers
A cisgender — not transgender — man from Alberta recently changed the gender marker on his birth certificate, as CBC Calgary reported this week. He did it to get cheaper automobile insurance — but for trans people, the report raises fears of backlash.
Canada -Calgary |

Transgender Kids doc doesn't present facts fairly. CBC was right not to show it
It is unreasonable to expect viewers to know that the empirical data that guides the documentary is flawed. After all, they come to the documentary to learn about a reality with which they are not necessarily well acquainted.
Opinion |