Idle No More flash mobs in 9 cities this weekend

A year ago today flash mob round dances took place across the country, and thousands of people danced and marched from Victoria Island to Parliament Hill, in Ottawa.
“It was an impressively massive show of cultural and solidarity” said CBC’s Waubgeshig Rice, “and although I was covering it for CBC, I found it impossible not to be moved.”
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While some have wondered whether Idle No More is still a growing movement, the flashmob Round Dances taking place across the country this weekend are in indication that there is still a lot of momentum.
So far this weekend flash mob round dances have taken place in Winnipeg, Toronto, Sudbury, Saskatoon, and Lethbridge. There are plans in place for Fredricton, Surrey, and Montreal. And was also a 'treaty information check stop in Delaronde, SK.
Event organizer Quinn Meawasige said it’s a reminder to mainstream citizens that First Nations have indigenous rights, and added it’s also meant to urge people to keep talking about living peacefully together.
"The only way to move forward is if we come together.” The Serpent River First Nation member said. “When we’re strong is when our voices are strong.”