Max FineDay
Max FineDay is executive director of Canadian Roots Exchange, a national non-profit that works with youth to advance reconciliation, and sits as a member of the interim National Council on Reconciliation
Latest from Max FineDay

Our recovery from COVID-19 should be rooted in reconciliation
We are living in the middle of a story we will tell for decades to come. In telling this story we may be asked, “and then what happened?” I hope I’ll be able to say that we chose a recovery rooted in reconciliation. I’m working hard to make that a reality. I hope you will too.
Canada -Saskatoon |

'I do not want to fight about this anymore': Residential school denial is poisonous
We have real issues about our future that require our attention, like Indigenous youth unemployment, mental health crises, language revitalization and collaborative policy development. We shouldn't have to focus attention on the conspiracy theories of those who choose to invest resources in residential school denial.
Canada -Saskatoon |
Point of View
'These are freedoms my father didn't have': Hope for progress on National Indigenous Peoples Day
Canadians are used to freedom. Canadians expect it. But for Indigenous peoples, freedom has not been guaranteed since newcomers arrived.
Canada -Saskatoon |

Winning the indigenous vote means acknowledging disparity in Canada
'In this election,' says Max FineDay, 'parties have an opportunity to gain the support of many Indigenous people who are desperate for the chance of something more, the chance of returning to the original promise in treaty — a promise of prosperity for all peoples.
Indigenous |