Narnia author C.S. Lewis to get stone in Poets' Corner

C.S. Lewis, writer of the popular children’s novel series The Chronicles of Narnia, is to be commemorated with a stone in Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey in London.
Lewis joins such greats as John Keats, William Blake, Charles Dickens and T.S. Eliot in a tradition going back 600 years.
Former poet laureate Ted Hughes was the most recent writer to be commemorated at the Abbey with a posthumous memorial stone.
Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was published in 1950 and has been enormously influential on a generation of writers as well as beloved by young readers.
Vernon White, Canon Theologian at Westminster Abbey, said Lewis was also "able to convey the Christian faith in a way that made it both credible and attractive to a wide range of people."
He was also a scholar and adult novelist of books such as The Screwtape Letters and The Space Trilogy.
A stone will be added in Westminster Abbey during a service Nov. 22, 2013 to mark the 50th anniversary of Lewis’ death.