Windsor police looking for pedestrian who shot at vehicle that struck them
No physical injuries reported in Tuesday incident, police say

Windsor police are looking for a pedestrian who fired a round of bullets toward a vehicle that officers say knocked the suspect over near Goyeau Street.
Officers said in a news release that they're investigating the incident, which happened on Nov. 5.
Police were called shortly before 8 p.m. Through an investigation, Windsor police learned that a black Dodge Durango intentionally struck a pedestrian in a parking lot, knocking the person to the ground. The pedestrian then stood up, brandished a handgun and fired a round toward the vehicle.
The pedestrian fled northbound down Goyeau Street and the involved vehicle fled northbound down Dufferin Place. No physical injuries have been reported.
The suspect who used the firearm is described as a male with a slim build. At the time of the incident, he wore a black and white sweater with a hood pulled over his head, white pants and white shoes.
Investigators are asking residents and business owners in the immediate area to check their dash-cam or surveillance footage between 7:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. for evidence related to this case.