
Windsor city council moving forward with photo radar, red light cameras

The City of Windsor is moving ahead with the implementation of cameras on streetlights, including red light cameras and photo radars for speed calming — something Ward 2 Coun. Fabio Constante has called for since early 2019.

Cameras just one 'piece to the puzzle' in creating safer streets, says Ward 2 councillor

The city will move ahead on consultations with the province as it looks to install red light cameras throughout Windsor. (Alex Brockman/CBC)

The City of Windsor is moving ahead with the implementation of cameras on streetlights, including red light cameras and photo radars for speed calming.

"Ultimately, the evidence shows that these types of measures save lives," said Coun. Fabio Constante immediately following Monday's city council meeting.

The use of streetlight cameras is something the Ward 2 councillor has called for since early 2019. He said it's been a significant concern for his constituents as they've asked for more speed enforcement in the ward.

On Monday, the adoption of the cameras was quickly passed as part of the council meeting's consent agenda.

"I think it's a piece to the puzzle when we're looking at speed calming and when we're looking at ways to create safer streets for pedestrians, bike users, folks in their car driving," said Constante. "This is one tool."

Also passed during Monday's meeting was a future look at speed calming policies, expected to be presented to council in a report later this year.

"That's another tool to look at speed calming as a whole. The idea is if a few of these things are passed and implemented across the city, we'll start to see different driving behaviours that ensure safer roads for everybody."

Ward 2 Coun. Fabio Costante says streetlight cameras are just one 'piece to the puzzle' in creating safer streets. (Amy Dodge/CBC)

Following Monday's meeting, the city can now move ahead with reaching out to the province and consulting local unions before installing red light cameras.

As for the installation of photo radar cameras, that will be held off until a financial report is presented to council during budget deliberations.  


Sanjay Maru is a reporter at CBC Windsor. Email him at [email protected].