MP Kusmierczyk pushing Liberal colleagues to legalize betting on single sports games
Kusmierczyk said his government is in favour of legalizing it, but he can't say when it will happen

Windsor-Tecumseh Liberal MP Irek Kusmierczyk says he is working to convince others in Ottawa to get behind legalizing betting on single sports games.
Kusmierczyk said his government is in favour of legalizing it, but he can't say when it will happen.
But he said that when it does, Caesars Windsor should benefit.
"We know that it can add an additional 100 jobs. We know that it's also about protecting existing jobs as well too, especially considering the competition in the 13 states that have passed single sport betting," said Kusmierczyk.
"I've been pushing, I've been having conversations up in Ottawa with ministers directly, with other members of parliament and other stakeholders, and that's really what it's going to take."
Windsor West NDP MP Brian Masse said the change can happen with just the stroke of a pen.
One of the reasons for a renewed push for legalization is changes in sports betting laws in border states such as Michigan.
Last December, the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce and Unifor Local 444 hosted a roundtable discussion to push for single sports betting.