
Health unit says 2,600 Windsor-Essex elementary students could be suspended in March

Elementary students in Windsor-Essex who are missing vaccinations or up-to-date immunization records could be suspended from school on Mar. 1, said the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) in a statement.

Deadline for parents or guardians to submit records is Feb. 28

A woman gives a boy a needle in his arm.
A Grade 7 student receives a routine vaccine that covers human papillomavirus, hepatitis B, meningococcal disease and tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis at a Canadian vaccination clinic. (Craig Paisley/CBC)

Elementary students in Windsor-Essex who are missing vaccinations or up-to-date immunization records could be suspended from school on Mar. 1, said the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) in a statement.

As of Wednesday, 2,593 students were "at risk" of school suspension.

The deadline for parents or guardians to submit immunization records to WECHU is 6 p.m. on Feb. 28.

In the fall of 2023, health officials said a review of all student immunization records was distributed to nearly 6,500 families, giving a heads-up about overdue vaccines or records not being updated.

The outside of an office building
The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, pictured in a Jan. 19, 2024 file photo. (Jennifer La Grassa/CBC)

"Families who recently received suspension notices are encouraged to contact their health-care provider or the WECHU," a news release said. 

"The WECHU is here to help, and is offering families a variety of clinics, with some evening and Saturday appointments."

It's suggested families either contact their health care provider to update their records or get any missing vaccinations, then pass that information along to the health unit on its website or over the phone, fax or in person.