City of Windsor releases services, amenities reopening plan
Windsor-Essex enters Stage 3 of Ontario's reopening plan Wednesday
The city has released their reopening plan for several services and amenities for Windsor residents.
Windsor-Essex officially moves into Stage 3 of Ontario's reopening plan Wednesday August 12 at 12:01 a.m., after being approved to do so on Monday.
Ours was the last region in the province to enter this next phase of reopening.
The city is now rolling out some new services, but says that some will not be resuming at this time because it's just not possible yet.
"Our community and region have waited longer than most, but Stage 3 is here, and it allows for a careful return to service across our municipal public services," said Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens in a press statement.
"I know that all residents are going to continue to follow the public health advice to continue to bend the curve in our region, even as we re-open our economy further."
Here's a look at what's changing according to the city:
Huron Lodge
Huron Lodge will move to indoor visiting starting Wednesday, and residents will now be able to have physical interaction and contact with their families and friends. Visitation will continue to occur in the auditorium, and visitors must comply with the infection prevention and control protocols.
Due to the increased proximity of visitors and residents, visitors are required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test that was taken within two weeks prior to their visit.
Visitors will be required to wear a surgical masks and follow all PPE and infection protocols. Visitors must continue to pass the required screening tool that monitors for signs and symptoms and have a temperature that is in the appropriate range.
For more information, visit the Huron Lodge web page on the City of Windsor's website.
Splash pads
The seven splash pads that re-opened on July 13 will continue to operate from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Users will note that the fencing and staff that were both on site during Stage 2 will be removed as of August 16 and the splash pads will be unsupervised. Splash pad users are reminded to follow the signage posted at the splash pads, including:
- Parents and guardians should supervise their children at all times.
- Stay two metres away from others while on the splash pad and surrounding area.
- Follow all social gathering guidelines.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- If you are feeling unwell, do not attend the splash pad, and follow up with a health care professional.
Playgrounds and equipment
Playgrounds, play structures and outdoor fitness equipment will be re-opened starting on August 12, and all should be inspected and open by Friday August 14. Please be patient if the area you're visiting isn't open before Friday.
City pools
The city will be opening some indoor pools, starting with the Windsor International Aquatics and Training Centre by Monday, August 31. They will also offer opportunities for reserved fitness swim lanes in one-hour increments.
There will be strict safety protocols in place in consultation with the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit. These safety protocols and reservation information will be posted on the on the aquatics page of the city's website. The indoor fitness centre will remain closed.
Sandpoint Beach
Sandpoint Beach is currently open from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. daily, and enhanced safety measures are in place. Access is controlled by staff; life guards are on duty; and beach goers are asked to maintain physical distancing at all times.
The city has engaged Caduceon Environmental Laboratories to conduct water quality testing, therefore please visit the outdoor pools and beaches page on the City of Windsor website to ensure the water quality is safe and that the beach is open.
Park and sports field permits
Outdoor team sports may resume but with a number of measures and restrictions in place. The City of Windsor has surveyed local sports organizations on their current plans for the 2020 season, and with reduced demand for outdoor sports field usage in 2020, the allocations have been consolidated and a limited number of fields have been made available.
Park permits will also be available for small gatherings such as weddings, picnics, etc. that allow up to 100 people while following provincial health guidelines.
The majority of park washrooms are open and operating from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. unless part of an otherwise permitted event.
Day camps
The city is offering Modified Day Camps for children aged 4 to 14 from August 4 to September 4 at the WFCU Centre and Capri Pizzeria Recreation Complex only, subject to confirmation of sufficient demand for the program.
The size and space within these facilities make them among the only options to accommodate necessary health and safety precautions, and the facilities have been reoriented to adhere to social distancing requirements.
Registration is still open and available on-line at or by phone at 519-966-6065 and will continue until capacity is reached.
Ice pad rentals will be available starting September 8, beginning with two pads at the WFCU Centre.
Additional ice pads will be made available at other location(s) based on the demand through the finalizing of permits. The issuing of permits is being centralized through the WFCU Centre and can be confirmed by email at [email protected].
There will be strict safety protocols in place in consultation with the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit. These protocols will be included on the permits and will be posted on the rinks page of the city's website.
Indoor recreation and culture facilities
Windsor city council has also accepted administration's recommendation to keep all other indoor recreation and culture facilities, including Willistead Manor closed at this time.
Indoor fitness centres will also remain closed at this time.
Previously booked rentals up to December 31 will be cancelled.
Parking enforcement
Regular enforcement of parking at street meters will resume on Monday August 17.
Please follow the times laid out at the meters and pay the appropriate amount for the time you need to park, as enforcement will no longer be allowing a grace period starting Monday.
350 City Hall Square and 1266 McDougall Avenue Services
Many City Hall services such as licensing, gaming, marriage licenses, taxation support, permit applications and in-person payment of parking fees can be made available by appointment
For more information on municipal matters related to COVID-19, visit
For more safety tips and practices, visit the Windsor Essex County Health Unit website.