
Human rights case between Staff Sgt. and Windsor police continues

Christine Bissonnette told those present at the hearing that the alleged discrimination caused her several psychological issues.

Bissonette alleges she was denied a promotion due to age discrimination and other factors

Staff Sgt. Christine Bissonnette leaving a Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario hearing at Windsor city hall on Thursday September 13, 2017. (Dale Molnar/CBC)

Windsor police Staff Sgt. Christine Bissonnette's Ontario human rights tribunal hearing continued Wednesday.

Bissonnette alleges she was passed over for a promotion to deputy chief within the service due to several factors, including her gender. 

She also alleges that she was passed over because she had already started a Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) complaint regarding alleged discriminatory hiring practices within the force.

Bissonnette told those present that the alleged discrimination caused her several psychological issues.

The hearing will continue throughout the rest of the week.

With files from Dale Molnar