
Toronto 911 received 107,000 pocket dials in 2011

Toronto-area police are warning people about the large number of accidental 'pocket dials' to 911.

Toronto-area police are warning about the large number of people "pocket dialing" 911 by mistake.

Last year in Toronto, 107,000 people accidentally called 911 because their keypads were not locked in their bags or pockets.

"Lock it before you pocket" is the theme of a new public service announcement campaign being launched Monday by members of the Toronto, Peel, Durham and York police, as well as the Ontario Provincial Police.

Police advise accidental callers to stay on the line so crews are not dispatched.

The Toronto Police Service posted a YouTube video of an actual 911 pocket dial.

In the video, when the 911 dispatcher calls back to see if there was actually an emergency, the man on the line says, "I call you guys like almost every day, man. It's an accident. If you see my number, it's an accident."

Similar problems have plagued police forces across the country, including those in Windsor and Ottawa.