Drake billboards hype Views album ahead of NBA All-Star weekend
Could Views from the 6 be dropping April 2?

A giant white billboard emblazoned with "Views" in stocky, black letters is towering over Yonge and Dundas streets touting the eventual release of Drake's Views from the 6.
The hometown favourite rapper posted an image of the billboard on Instagram Tuesday night ahead of NBA All-Star weekend.
- Drake, Rihanna spotted work, work, working in Toronto
- Drake reveals new album, Views from the 6, coming in April
- Remember Drake in 2015? Prove it with our quiz
Posters were also unveiled at Billy Bishop Airport bearing a bewildering "four plus two equals six." Though, that can only mean one thing. Or can it? Could Views from the 6 be dropping April 2?
The <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/6god?src=hash">#6god</a> just landed at <a href="https://twitter.com/BBishopAirport">@BBishopAirport</a>. Welcome home. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/vft6?src=hash">#vft6</a> <a href="https://t.co/OEGBeNX8b4">pic.twitter.com/OEGBeNX8b4</a>
Following the release of Summer Sixteen late January, Drake revealed that he would release the new album in April, stopping short of an exact date.
Last week, Drake and Rihanna were work, work, working in Toronto and shooting a new video at Riverdale's The Real Jerk.