
6ix in the 6ix: Which Toronto patios are your go-tos during the summer?

In honour of patio season (yes, it's here!), we want to know your go-to spots for lounging and relaxation.

Tweet us @CBCToronto or email [email protected] with 'Toronto patio' in the subject line

Patio weather, it's here! (Trevor Dunn/CBC )

Where are you sipping your after-work drinks?

In honour of patio season (yes, it's here!), we want to know your go-to spots for lounging and relaxation.

Tweet us @CBCToronto or email [email protected] with "Toronto patio" in the subject line.

And then watch for your photos on CBC News Toronto at 6 on Friday in our weekly segment 6ix in the 6ix — featuring popular people, places and things as selected by you.