Thunder Bay's proposed indoor turf facility shelved, but could come back

Thunder Bay's proposed indoor turf facility is still on the city's books, but when, or if it will ever get built is a question with currently, no answer.
City council voted on Monday night to confirm its decision to not award a tender for the construction of the facility, which would be built at Chapples Park. Administration recommended the tender be awarded to Tom Jones Construction.
City Clerk Krista Power said while council has voted to not proceed with construction, other council resolutions, which were first adopted in 2019, direct city management to move the project forward.
"So those decisions sit on the books, essentially, and regardless of the fact that they have decided not to proceed, we still have it on the list as an infrastructure project," Power said.
"So, administration will regroup and determine what the next steps are and the appropriate time to bring something forward."
Council voted on March 9, in a 7-5 vote, not to proceed with the tender.
The turf facility would cost a total of $46 million, comprised of $37 million for the facility itself, plus another $8.8 million in interest costs.
Power said council could also look at passing other resolutions which could change how administration decides to proceed with options for the turf facility, but nothing has been brought to council at this time.