Long-awaited inquest into death of Romeo Wesley to begin in July in Cat Lake
Wesley died in 2010 while in police custody at Cat Lake nursing station

Northern Ontario's regional coroner says a long-awaited inquest into the death of a Mishkeegogamang First Nation man will begin this summer — and it will take place in the province's far north.
In a news release issued Wednesday, Michael Wilson said the inquest into the death of Romeo Wesley, who died while in police custody, will take place in Cat Lake, starting on July 4.
Wesley, 34, died at the Health Canada nursing station in Cat Lake on Sep. 9, 2010. The inquest was originally scheduled to be held in Sioux Lookout, Ont., but Indigenous leaders fought to have the proceedings take place in the fly-in community.
Cat Lake is about 180 kilometres north of Sioux Lookout.
Cat Lake's former chief, Russell Wesley, has said Romeo Wesley's death occurred after repeated attempts to get medical attention and that staff at the nursing station called Nishnawbe Aski Police, who had the 34 year-old in their custody, when he died.
The inquest is expected to last two weeks and to hear from approximately 18 witnesses. The jury can make recommendations aimed to prevent similar deaths.
The proceedings will take place in the gymnasium at the Lawrence Wesley Education Centre in Cat Lake, according to the province.