Thunder Bay RFDA to help seniors who have 'difficulty getting to food banks' this holiday
Local Regional Food Distribution Association estimates they'll be able to help 300 people

The holiday season can be a hard time for many families, single people and senior citizens who are struggling to make ends meet.
According to a written release Tuesday from the Regional Food Distribution Association (RFDA) in Thunder Bay, there has been a 10 per cent increase in food bank usages by seniors in Ontario this year.
However, the RFDA stated it has plans to bring back a program to provide elderly people with a festive gift of food.
"Unfortunately we weren't able to provide food to anybody last year at Christmas time, in terms of special programs," Brendan Carlin, the RFDA community services manager, told CBC News. "This year, we're trying to get back into it on a smaller scale and we're going to focus on those in our city who are seniors and have difficulty getting to food banks or getting out and about."
He said last year, they were unable to provide holiday hampers to seniors and people without children due to a lack of funding.
From 2012 until 2016, the RFDA provided food to between 1,100 - 1,200 people, said Carlin. "But last year we just didn't have the funding, unfortunately, with the cost of food and everything else, when Christmas came around, we just weren't able to do."
Many seniors face food challenges because they often live on their own , may have special dietary needs due to their medical situation, or have mobility issues, he said.

"They are a population that sometimes goes a little bit under-represented when it comes to food banking and feeding those who need food, so we're trying to bring awareness to that as well."
Carlin said they have already reached out to food banks across the region and have asked them to identify or reach out to their clients who might need a holiday hamper this year.
He estimated the program will help approximately 300 people.
"We're going to be having to purchase food or at least have it transported in here, and we want to make sure we have enough of each item to provide to the people, so monetary donations are wonderful," said Carlin.
"We would be most appreciative and most grateful."
Donations to the Thunder Bay Regional Food Distribution Association can be done online, through the phone or in person.