Gold-rush reality TV shows generate interest in prospecting
Reality shows about gold prospecting are captivating Canadian viewers and motivating some people to take part in a modern-day gold rush.
Shows like Gold Rush Alaska, Yukon Gold, Ice Cold Gold, and Bering Sea Gold are among Thunder Bay prospector Steve Siemieniuk’s favourites.

Siemieniuk said more and more viewers are putting down the remote, and picking up a gold pan.
“Like me, they've watched people do it on TV. So that's where they're gaining all their knowledge,” he said.
“Those shows have helped … those people catch gold fever, I think.”
The owner of Chaltrek, a store that sells geological supplies and other outdoor gear, said she’s seen “a real surge in interest.”
Jo-Anne Winters said customers are talking about the shows, and dreaming of a jackpot.
She estimated sales of things like gold pans and sluices have jumped by 25 per cent over the past few years — proof that gold fever is catching.