Woman's clothing theft suspect, 13, arrested by Sudbury police

A 13-year-old boy has been arrested for breaking into four homes in New Sudbury and stealing women's clothing.
Sudbury Police notified the public about three break-ins this week in which only women's clothes were taken. Police said two such incidents happened on Robin Street, and the other on Benita Boulevard. When a fourth, similar robbery was reported on Madison Avenue, it lead police to an arrest, said Sudbury Police staff sergeant John Somerset.
"I would say that any break and enter would be disturbing for the person whose residence it is,” he said.
“[It’s] probably more disturbing when personal items like that are taken. [It] would certainly make you question the intent."
The 13-year-old boy has been charged with four counts of break, enter and theft.
He is slated to appear in youth court in mid-August.
This isn't a typical case for criminal investigators, Somerset added.
"It's unusual, I wouldn't say it never happens, but it's unusual."
Last year there were a string of break-ins on Hillcrest Drive in Lively, where only women's underwear was taken. A 21-year-old man was charged in that case.