
Northern Ontario conservation authorities warn of possible spring flooding

Conservation authorities in northern Ontario are issuing flood outlook statements this week, warning of rising water levels due to warm temperatures and rainfall.

Warm temperatures, forecasted rainfall increase flood risks in the region

Body of water
Conservation authorities in northern Ontario are urging residents to stay cautious around creeks and rivers as water levels rise due to snow-melt and rainfall. (Erik White/CBC )

Conservation authorities in northern Ontario are urging residents to stay cautious around creeks and rivers as water levels rise due to snow-melt and rainfall.

The North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority issued a flood outlook last week, warning of the potential for flooding with water levels in most areas beginning to rise, though the risk remains low at this time.

Angela Mills, the water resources specialist at the authority, said flooding could occur in local creeks and rivers that are receiving snow-melt, but the risk is minimal.

"It would only be in the local creeks and rivers that are just receiving snow-melt from our local areas. There is some concern, especially because the landscape is either frozen soils or, if the soil is no longer frozen, given that recent and rapid melt, the soil would be saturated so it can't store any additional moisture," Mills explained.

The Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie Conservation Authorities have also issued flood outlook and water safety statements, advising people to stay away from bodies of water.

Carl Jorgensen, general manager of Conservation Sudbury, said conditions are currently normal, with water levels slightly higher than the long-term average in the snowpack.

However, ground conditions remain concerning as the soil is still frozen, preventing water absorption.

"That's for the urban parts of Junction Creek. So from the top end near Garson all the way down to about halfway down the creek, which is about Kelly Lake," Jorgensen said. 

"So that section, which is really the urban core of a good part of the City of Greater Sudbury — that's the part we're keeping a close eye on right now."