Glenn Crombie Centre marking 20 years of supporting Cambrian students

Some people think because they have a learning disability or a mental illness, that post-secondary education is out of the question for them.
However, for the past two decades Cambrian College has been helping students who need some kind of support. That happens through the Glenn Crombie Centre for Student Support, which is marking its 20 year milestone.
Susan Alcorn MacKay is a former director of the centre and was there when it was first developed in 1996.
She says when they first started it was simply a few hundred students who were identified with various disabilities. She added that the amount of students needing help continued to grow yet the space they had available on campus remained the same size.
"We went to the senior executive at Cambrian College and made a pitch to have a little more space added, and the rest is history," says Alcorn MacKay.
She says it was former Cambrian College President, the late Glenn Crombie, who offered to provide the team with what they needed to get the centre really going.
Alcorn MacKay says assistive technology has become a big part of how they are able to help students, as well as provide the students with independence and educational needs.
She says some students with mental illness or learning difficulties just need a place to talk to cousellors. Usually they are concerned about school work expectations or they have anxieties or fears.
Alcorn MacKay says the Glenn Crombie Centre also provides the needed space for students who need extra time to take exams or tests.
The team helps about 900 students annually, who are diagnosed or undiagnosed with physical or mental concerns, as well as learning disabilities.
Alcorn MacKay is proud of the fact that more students are able to attend post secondary school and eventually graduate because of the help they'll be able to get at the Glenn Crombie Centre.
"Today's students with disabilities are graduating successfully in a greater number than their non-disabled peers, which is quite hopeful." says Alcorn MacKay.
The Glenn Crombie Centre is a 12,000 square foot multi-service complex that promotes accessibility and success for students within the Cambrian community. It is located on the school's Barrydowne campus in Sudbury.

with files from Markus Schwabe/packaged by Angela Gemmill