Elliot Lake Inquiry hears final testimony
Months-long public inquiry into Elliot Lake fatal mall collapse to end this week
After seven months and more than 120 witnesses the public inquiry in Elliot Lake is entering its final week.
The inquiry has documented what led the mall roof to collapse and problems with the effort to save the two women who died.

After hearing about the poor design, construction and maintenance of the Algo Centre Mall prior to last summer's deadly roof collapse, the inquiry has spent the last few months hearing from rescue workers.
First responders have provided key testimony about the attempts that were made to reach the two women trapped in the rubble — and why the rescue was called off only to be restarted shortly afterwards.
On Monday, top municipal officials involved with the rescue will face questions.
Elliot Lake CAO Robert deBortoli will testify later this morning, followed by mayor Rick Hamilton.
The inquiry will then wrap up after hearing from top provincial officials —Ontario's commissioner of community safety Dan Hefkey on Tuesday, and former Premier Dalton McGuinty on Wednesday.
The inquiry has heard McGuinty pushed the search and rescue team to keep trying to reach the victims.
Rescue workers reached them four days after the collapse, but neither survived.
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