Never mind January Saskatoon, here's Winterruption
Festival brings top acts to venues across the city

There's much to feel good about in Saskatoon this week. First the cold spell has broken and mild weather has returned, but life is also heating up with Winterruption.
It's cold and it's dark- Kirby Wirchenko
The festival, now in its second year, is eclectic.
"It's more a collection of shows," said organizer Kirby Wirchenko in an interview with CBC Radio's Saskatoon Morning.
"It's not a music fest for three days, it's music, there is some dance, there are some comedians, there are some podcasts, I like the fact that we can bring a really neat mix."
Blood, sweat and fear

The idea of a Winterruption is born of the harsh reality of January.
"It's been a long month, it is cold, and it's dark," said Wirchenko.
And so why not interrupt the winter blues by bringing top acts right into the middle of it all? The idea is not an easy one to pull off.
The festival Wirchenko said is made of "blood, sweat and fear."
"We get a lot of 'nos.' We probably got two 'nos' for every one 'yes' so it takes time."
All that hard work sees its fruition this week as Winterruption events hit venues across Saskatoon on Thursday.