Saskatoon flophouse transformed into affordable housing
The revitalization of 20th Street continues with the transformation of a notorious flophouse.
525 20th Street West former haven for junkies and ne'er-do-wells
It's a building that Ernie Louttit knew all too well from his days as a street cop.
He can't count the times he had to respond to calls at 525 20th Street West, doing a hot entry with his gun drawn and adrenaline pumping.

"To come back here and see the community revitalized, it's very uplifting, it just feels good, that's the best way I can put it," he said.
Stewart Properties transformed the building's grotty apartments into affordable housing suites.
Tyler Stewart says it became a labour of love.
"You know when people and developers say, well, you know rule number one in real estate, don't get emotional?," he said.,
"We're on the other end of the spectrum. This is our life."
It can accommodate 12 families.