Saskatoon city council looking to add pot to smoking bylaw
Legalization expected later this summer

In anticipation of marijuana legalization, Saskatoon's city council is expected to approve the amendment of the smoking bylaw to include pot.
This would mean that smoking marijuana in public is banned in the same way that smoking tobacco is banned. Marijuana is expected to be legalized later this summer.
As it stands, smoking is banned in:
- billiard halls
- bingo establishments
- bowling centres
- casinos
- licensed premises
- outdoor public places operated by the City
- outdoor seating areas
- private clubs
- restaurants
- sidewalk cafes
What municipalities have control over
Business licensing
Cities can establish length of terms for licences, set licensing rates and set minimum distances that businesses in the same category must be away from each other. They can also set how far away a cannabis retailer must be from schools and parks.
Zoning regulations
This relates to land use and planning. Zoning control gives cities the opportunity to restrict pot shops to industrial or agricultural areas.
Saskatoon mayor Charlie Clark has previously said he doesn't expect marijuana retailers will be restricted to these areas.
Community standards
This category includes health and welfare of the public. The Cities Act gives the authority to "pass bylaws in relation to people, activities and things in, on, or near a public place or place that is open to the public." This would include the amendment of the smoking bylaw.
Mayor Clark said there would be public consultation on where retailers will be located.
At their Monday meeting, council is expecting a clearer picture of what their options are for these categories.