Invasive flowers a headache for gardeners, says Saskatoon horticulturist
Flowers can take over lawns and gardens, killing off other plants
They may be pretty to look at and easy to grow, but be careful what flowers you plant.
Edmonton has declared war on the creeping bellflower, placing it on its "most wanted" noxious weeds list. And although Saskatoon city officials haven't followed suit, horticulturist Grant Wood said gardeners need to be vigilant.
You're not going to eradicate in one year, even if you are using herbicides.- Grant Wood, horticulturist
"They will spread, they will take over, they will outcompete the other plants," he said.
Wood said flowers like the creeping bellfower have a very aggressive root system. Others like the Himalayan balsam, more commonly known as the poor man's orchid, have huge seed production.
Wood said the most effective way of controlling the plants is by digging and destroying.
"You're not going to eradicate in one year, even if you are using herbicides," he said.
Top 10 Invasive Plants in Saskatchewan
2. Creeping bellflower.

3. Shasta daisy.

4. Achillea.

5. Common tansy.

6. Leafy spurge.

7. Dame's rocket.

8. Purple loosestrife.

9. Himalayan balsam.

10. Scentless chamomile.

With files from CBC's Saskatoon Morning