
Storm cancels schools, closes some highways while travel not recommended in parts of south and central Sask.

A winter snowstorm has hit much of central and southern Saskatchewan, with some areas expected to see up to a total of 40cm of snow. Both Saskatoon Public Schools and Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools have cancelled classes for all high school students on Monday.

Both Saskatoon Public Schools and Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools cancel high school classes

Snowstorm pounds Saskatoon as residents dig out

1 year ago
Duration 1:30
Snowfall totals were expected to reach up to 40 cm for areas of central and southern Saskatchewan as a result of the latest winter storm, according to Environment and Climate Change Canada.

The winter storm is entering its second day with areas like the Battlefords and Kindersley having their surrounding highways shut down or rated as travel not recommended by Highway Hotline.

Snowfall totals for areas in central and southern Saskatchewan are expected to reach up to 40 cm, and with wind gusts of 60 to 70 km/h, according to Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Highways surrounding Saskatoon, the Battlefords and Kindersley range from travel not recommended to closures. Highway 16 leaving North Battleford for is closed as of 10:45 a.m. CST on Sunday.

a map shows highways as white and red for closure and travel not recommended
The City of Saskatoon reported 21cm of snow accumulation and have set priority on plowing Circle Drive. All highways leaving the city are listed as travel not recommended by Highway Hotline. (Highway Hotline)

Joy Matias, the assistant general manager at the Canalta Hotel in Kindersley, said the hotel was sold out on Sunday.

She said snow was up to her knees when she walked out of the house this morning, and she needed her manager to pick her up in a truck.

"We are already busy because of the skating [competition], but people wanted only to book for one night, but because of this snowstorm coming in, they are booking for the two nights," said Matias.

"There is also one guest who was trembling because of, like, the experience that she had while driving here. She [was] crying because of how bad it was, like driving here in town."

Matias added there are some guests trapped and waiting for roads to improve before hitting the road.

The City of North Battleford says recreation facilities including the Access Communications Centre, Don Ross Arena, Battlefords Co-op Aquatic Centre, NationsWEST Field House and the Don Ross Community Centre are closed because of the weather.

Their road crews have been out since 5 a.m. clearing priority one streets but they say the sheer volume of snow is slowing them down.

A car is sitting in a snow bank in downtown saskatoon
The winter storm is expected to bring up to 40 cm of snow to some areas of the province. In the photo, snow piles on top of a car in downtown Saskatoon as snow swirls around. (Liam O'Connor/CBC)

The Battlefords' transit posted to social media that the transit system will not be running on Monday.

The City of Saskatoon reported over 34 cm of snow accumulation and have set priority on plowing Circle Drive, grading priority one streets like roads to emergency services, then also clearing snow from priority two and three streets, which are main roadways in neighbourhoods and transit routes.

The city says once snowfall ends, it estimates all priority streets will be cleared within four days time.

Both Saskatoon Public Schools and Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools have cancelled classes for all high school students on Monday and will resume classes on Tuesday.

These leisure centres and the downtown public library are all closed according to a release from the city:

  • Cosmo Civic Centre.
  • Fitness Circuit & Terry Fox Track.
  • Harry Bailey Aquatic Centre.
  • Lakewood Civic Centre.
  • Lawson Civic Centre.
  • Saskatoon Field House.
  • Shaw Centre.
  • All indoor facilities.

The city asks residents to clear their sidewalks within 48 hours and businesses to do the same within 24 hours.

Delays and frequent disruptions are expected with transit according to the city, and checking the transit app is the best way to be up to date.

Access Transit is also limited, the city said, and "will operate as emergency services only, provided buses are able to access the area."

Airports affected

YXE Saskatoon said additional staff have been brought in to clear snow and runway conditions remain good, although the storm has impacted flights due to poor visibility and wind conditions.

"As of Sunday morning, the airport is aware of approximately 30 flights cancelled this weekend due to the snowstorm," stated an email from YXE Airport.

a skyline photo shows buildings in a haze of stormy winter conditions and snow covering much of the ground below
A photo taken of the Saskatoon skyline during the snow storm on Sunday, Mar. 3, 2024. (Dayne Patterson/CBC)

Regina's YQR Airport has also had delays and disruption and are expecting more in the coming days.

There have been about 10 departures cancelled according to an email from the airport.

"Passengers should ensure they check with their airlines if their flight has been cancelled so they can be rescheduled as soon as possible," stated the email.

The City of Regina has declared snow routes in effect from 6:00 a.m. CST monday to 6:00 a.m. Tuesday. 

No on-street parking is allowed along the snow route to allow crews to clear the roads. More information on the snow routes can be found on the city's website.


Liam O'Connor is a reporter for CBC Saskatchewan based in Saskatoon. O'Connor graduated from the University of Regina journalism school. He covers general news for CBC. You can reach him at [email protected].

With files from Dayne Patterson, Samanda Brace and Candice Lipski