Sask. doctor traded pot for stereo speakers, regulator alleges
Doctor accused of professional misconduct

A Regina doctor who allegedly traded marijuana to get his stereo speakers back from his ex has been charged with unprofessional conduct.
According to documents posted to the College of Physicians and Surgeons website, the doctor was charged under the Medical Professional Act with two pot-related infractions as well as a third charge on a different matter.
One charge involved allegedly prescribing medical marijuana to a patient and then obtaining and using marijuana from the same patient.
A second charge is related to an incident in Swift Current in 2011.
The family physician was in a relationship with someone and after it ended, the ex was in possession of some Bose speakers.
The College alleges the doctor supplied pot to his ex or another person, or both, in return for the speakers.
"You... are guilty of unbecoming, improper, unprofessional or discreditable conduct," the document with the charges says.
In a third charge not related to marijuana, the College alleges the doctor left behind some patient medical records in the house he shared with his ex, thus putting people's person health information at risk.
The charges haven't made it to the hearing stage yet. According to a spokesperson with the College, that won't happen until January 2017 at the earliest.