Cannabis to be allowed on Sask. provincial park campsites
Cannabis will be treated the same as alcohol on provincial campsites

Once cannabis is legal, those bound for Saskatchewan campgrounds this summer can add pot to their packing lists.
The federal government plans to legalize the sale and consumption of recreational cannabis this summer, leaving it up to provinces to regulate how it's to be accessed and distributed.
Although the government has banned smoking cannabis in public places, including parks, Saskatchewan's Cannabis Control Act considers a campsite a private place.
"A tent, trailer or camper, and the campsite it is located on, is considered a private place under the Act, where cannabis can be consumed. This includes campsites in public parks, as with alcohol," a Ministry of Justice spokesperson said in an email statement to CBC News.
"However, as with alcohol, the minister may, by order, prohibit possessing or consuming cannabis in a campground on the terms and conditions and for the period set out in the order. For example, this prohibition is done with alcohol on the May long weekend."
The spokesperson said the legislation allows for additional rules or prohibitions to be introduced for cannabis on campgrounds.
Registration for some provincial parks is now open.