Mrs. Claus answers questions from Sask. kids
Ever wonder how many elves live at the North Pole?

Saint Nicholas' better half joined CBC Radio Saskatchewan's Blue Sky live from the North Pole.
Mrs. Clarissa Claus said she just loves talking to all the little boys and girls getting ready for Christmas, even though she and Santa are quite busy this time of year.
"It's one of our busiest years ever," she told Blue Sky. "Santa is so excited for Christmas Eve, I can barely make him sit down and eat a meal."
Mrs. Claus took calls from several children around the province. They had questions ranging from how fast does Santa's sleigh go to where do the reindeer live?
According to Mrs. Claus, there are 6,431 elves at the North Pole. Ashton, one young caller from Saskatoon, said, "That's a lot of elves."
Want a smile? Have a listen. The questions posed by all the good little children were absolutely priceless.
You can listen to the entire call-in show here: