
Sask. has highest provincial arson rate: StatsCan

Regina had more arsons per capita than any other Canadian census metropolitan areas in 2021.

Regina's yearly arson count has increased 9 times since 2012

Regina firefighters douse a garage on Retallack Street in this photo from October. (Regina Fire)

Saskatchewan has the dubious distinction of having the highest provincial arson rate in Canada.

Police in the province reported an average of 65 arson incidents per 100,000 people from 2012 to 2021, according to Statistic Canada's most recent data on police-reported arson and fire-related homicide. That is 2.5 times higher than the national average.

Manitoba had the second highest rate, while New Brunswick had the third.

There were 956 arson incidents in Saskatchewan in 2021, according to Statistics Canada incident-based crime statistics, compared to 577 in 2012.

Rising arson rates in Regina

Statistics Canada data shows Regina had more police-reported arsons per capita than any other Canadian census metropolitan area (CMA) in 2021, and 2022 eclipsed last year's total with months still to go. 

The Regina Police Service (RPS) said there have been 317 arsons in the city this year, as of Oct. 31, compared to 315 arsons for the entirety of 2021. RPS has reported increases in arson for nine out of the past 10 years.

RPS spokesperson Elizatbeth Popowich said crime reporting isn't perfectly consistent across the country. She said not all jurisdictions report garbage bin and litter fires — which she says is the most common form of arson in Regina — as arson.

"That could greatly affect the number of arsons and the rate when making comparisons," she said in a statement to CBC.

Statistics Canada said Regina had 124 arsons per 100,000 people in 2021. Winnipeg had the second highest arson rate among Canadian CMAs last year, with 68 arsons per 100,000 people.

Layne Jackson is Regina's Fire Chief. (CBC News)

Regina Fire's Chief Layne Jackson said the continuous increases are worrisome.

"It's always concerning. We would like to see the number trending down," Jackson said. "We need to look at the statistics to see what is happening."

What can be done to lower arson in Regina?

Jackson said the fire department is working with RPS to try to reduce arson through enforcement and education. 

"We often see that one person is struggling with something and their outlet is to set fires, and they can light many fires," Jackson said. "Working together to determine who and then have the proper interventions for people is a big factor in bringing that number down."

Jackson encouraged people who own vacant properties to take proper measures to protect them such as keeping them well lit.

Fires in abandoned houses were part of a pattern in 2021, according to a Regina Board of Police Commisioners report.

How does Saskatoon compare?

Saskatoon police also report garbage bin and litter fires as arson, but that city's rate was four times lower than Regina's last year.

Police reported 107 arsons in the Saskatoon CMA last year, which translates to 31 incidents per 100,000 people, according to Statistic Canada's most recent data on police-reported arson and fire-related homicide.

A shed and fence damaged by fire.
Saskatoon police called the fire that called this damage in the Riversdale neighbourhood this past July suspicious. (Kendall Latimer/CBC)

Saskatoon had the 10th highest arson rates among Canadian CMAs in 2021. 

According to the Saskatoon Police Service there have been 121 arson incidents so far in 2022.


Will McLernon is an online journalist with CBC Saskatchewan. If you have a tip or a story idea, send him an email at [email protected]