
Share your Halloween mishaps, fails and awkwardness

Have you dressed yourself or your child in a truly awkward costume? Perhaps a great idea for a ghoulish get-up that failed to impress and scared, in the wrong way? You're not alone. We want to see your pictures.

CBC Saskatchewan wants to see your awkward costumes and bad pumpkins! Tweet us @CBCSask

Who or what are they, nobody knows. Do you have awkward snapshots of costumes from Halloweens of the past? Share the fun with us! Tweet us @CBCSask. (Jhayne/Flickr)

Halloween costumes! Where do we begin?

Each year Oct. 31 brings opportunities for creative children and adults alike to adopt an alter ego for a night.

While many of us will fondly recall best costumes throughout the years, it is often the awkward, truly regrettable ones that have a way of sticking with you. We want to see your regrets. Share your pictures with us on Twitter or Facebook

Have your kids taken a hilarious stab at pumpkin carving, too? We want to see. Tweet us @CBCSask. (Meredith W./Flickr)

There are of course the distasteful and offensive. But, perhaps the more entertaining and fun to share are the well-intentioned attempts that turn into freakish displays.

Did you or your kids take an inventive stab at pumpkin carving? Perhaps an innovative reworking of a cardboard box to fashion a space suit? We want to see your best, worst Halloween attempts!

Do you have similar documentation of a homemade 'mummy' costume? Share it with us! Tweet us @CBCSask. (Matt Cipov/Flickr)

Tweet your photos to @CBCSask or @CBCSaskatoon or send us a message on CBC Saskatchewan or CBC Saskatoon's Facebook pages.


Madeline Kotzer


Madeline Kotzer is an award-winning Saskatchewan journalist and News Assignment Producer for CBC Saskatchewan and CBC Saskatoon. Reach Madeline at [email protected].