
Grazing goats munch on invasive plants

The Wascana Centre Authority and the Friends of Wascana Marsh enlist about 90 goats to graze on invasive shrubs and weeds.

Goats gaze on shrubs in Regina

12 years ago
Duration 0:45
Goats gaze on shrubs in Regina

The Wascana Centre Authority along with Friends of Wascana Marsh have brought in about 90 goats to graze on invasive shrubs and weeds.

The goal is to defoliate shrubs and get rid of a noxious weed called the Canada thistle. Officials said this process does not harm the animals.

They said the use of goats to control problem plants is a biological control solution that will reduce using herbicides.

If you go to the top of Wascana Hill you should be able to get a glimpse of the goats hard at work.

They'll be done grazing on Monday.