They came, they saw, they nibbled goodies. From the get-go, crowds were eager to join CBC's Comfort & Joy open house.
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Blue Sky and Afternoon Edition host Garth Materie speaks with Tom Jackson. (CBC)
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They came, they saw, they nibbled goodies.
From the get-go, crowds were eager to join CBC's Comfort & Joy open house.
The one-day event raises money for Saskatchewan's food banks.
Here's a selection of images and video from the day from both CBC Saskatchewan and CBC Saskatoon.
Morning Edition host Sheila Coles and radio news anchor Ted Deller raise money for the food banks during the annual Comfort & Joy show in front of a live audience at the CBC galleria. (Stefani Langenegger/CBC)
Host of The Morning Edition, Sheila Coles, and political panelist Murray Mandryk at the show. (Stefani Langenegger/CBC)
Everyone loves ukuleles. (Paul Dornstauder/CBC)
A group of visitors. (Madeline Kotzer/CBC)
Moosomin's Eli Barsi and her band entertained visitors to the CBC galleria in Regina on Friday, Dec. 11. (Stefani Langenegger/CBC)
Authour Guy Vanderhaeghe joined host Leisha Grebinski. (Eric Anderson/CBC)
Moxie Marahatta is one of many elementary school children in Regina who worked together to help Syrian refugees. (Madeline Kotzer/CBC)
Blue Sky and Afternoon Edition host Garth Materie speaks with meteorologist Christy Climenhaga. (CBC)
Aimee Shulhauser prepares food only using ingredients found in a food bank hamper. (CBC)
Morning Edition host Sheila Coles and radio news anchor Ted Deller raise money for the food banks during the annual Comfort & Joy show in front of a live audience at the CBC galleria. (Stefani Langenegger/CBC)
Ben Sures performs live during Comfort and Joy. (CBC)
Some smiling faces in the crowd! (Madeline Kotzer/CBC)
Technical producer Josh Lynn ensures CBC's Saskatoon Morning stays live on the airwaves for the annual Comfort and Joy campaign. (Eric Anderson/CBC)
Resplendent in red this morning was Morning Edition producer Coreen Larson. To the right is technical operator Chris Haynes. (Stefani Langenegger/CBC)
Sailor Dan and Steve Hogel pose for a photo. (Alisha Edgelow/CBC)
This painting is 'Joy' by Wilf Perreault, which he's contributing to the Comfort & Joy fundraiser.